To save time, to help avoid mistakes, and to help with documentation, would it be possible for you to introduce an automatic copy/paste of a scan title into a file name?
For example, to be specific:
1. Click on "Save Graph"
2. Type a filename into the "Enter a Comment" box, then click on Enter
3. AIM automatically and invisibly copies the Comment to the clipboard
4. When the "Save Scan File" dialog box appears, AIM automatically pastes the comment from the clipboard into the "File name" box
This way, the filename is the same as the title (but you can obviously change it if you really want it to be different from the title).
I have frequently used this technique when programming Word template macros, and found it saves users from making mistakes (and having to type the same thing twice).
[Programming hint: If the Comment string contains certain characters like slash, colon etc, they have to be mapped to something else, such as a dash, as they are not valid Windows filename characters].
Ian, G3NRW